To get rid of an underline in Word, simply select the underlined word or words, click the Home tab, then click the Underline icon button to remove it.
Our tutorial above is focused on removing the underline from hyperlinks in your document, but you might simply want to remove an underline from a word or phrase that isn’t hyperlinked.
Remove hyperlink in word 365 how to#
More Information on How to Remove the Underline from a Hyperlink in Word You should now have a document where the clicked and unclicked hyperlinks are both not underlined. Step 2: Click the Home tab above the ribbon. Step 1: Open the document containing the hyperlink(s) that you wish to modify. You can remove a hyperlink entirely if you do not want people to be able to click the link in your document. The hyperlink will remain whatever color it currently is.
The steps below are going to adjust the styling of your document so that the underline is removed from all of the hyperlinks. How to Delete Underline from Hyperlink in Microsoft Word (Guide with Pictures) You can continue reading our article below for more information on removing the underline from Microsoft Word hyperlinks.