As you can see, there is not a dominant one. On the other hand, students show respect and listen to her. We personally think that both the teacher and students talk equally she gives them a chance to talk and express their ideas. She behaves like a guide -like an orchestra leader- by enlightening their way she shows the way of learning. For instance, the teacher talks about their problems, tries to help them and also she talks about the daily issues. Student-teacher interaction: During our overall observation, we saw that the teacher and students had a strong ability to interact with each other. We made ten hours observation in that class and we never felt uncomfortable even as a foreigner. Because we would have such a nice teacher -who cares about her students very much- and classmates who are quite funny. If we were a student in that class, we would feel very pleased. It would be more comfortable and delightful to teach the students who have a very high level of intellectuality. We would be very glad if we were a teacher in that class because the funny and respectful environment attracts me a lot. They did not have even a little discussion with each other. Students never did something disrecpecful to their teacher. There is no tension at all because the teacher and the students communicate effectively.
Both the teacher and students look like having fun during the lesson. She enables students to understand the subject through these practices without distressing students.Ĭlassroom atmosphere: In general, the classroom environment is very fun and lively. Her teaching philosophy is to teach by making practices. She really cares about her students and pays attention to their problems. And we think she implements these methods successfully. She said ” I like teaching without making students bored so I generally talk about something funny when they are tired of the lesson.” She says that her favorite methods are DM and ALM. Our mentor teacher graduated from Hacettepe University. And mostly because of the peaceful class environment, we want to work in a school like this. We want to work in such a context because students are much more respecful and clever compared to many other students that we have seen before. In general, all students are nice people and respectful to their teacher.
Her being a friendly and communicative person makes the students feel comfortable. She has such effective communication skills that students don’t get bored. The teacher is a very friendly person and also she treated us very nicely, too. We honestly think that the teacher and students in our observation class are really happy they can have fun during the lesson by making jokes. In our opinion, the general atmosphere of the school is like high-school more than a university environment but there is no problem at all because of this atmosphere. they are always in an effort for lessons and they are making a great amount of endeavor to teach. Luckily, we were accepted.Īs a whole school, it is very crowded and teachers are busy as far as we saw. She said it would be possible if we could take permission from the chair of department. When we went to prep-school, we talked to her. Contacting with the mentor teacher was not difficult. First, we selected the level of the class we would observe and then we went to the mentor teacher to talk about it. And we thought we could do that in a qualified school like METU prep-school. One of the most important reasons for selecting this class is that we would like to see more different teaching methods as much as we can. We made the observation in a class at intermediate level. It means being a part of a tradition of excellence in academics, athletics and professionalism beyond your time in college, and it means you will always be a member of this community.We were asked to find a school for observation for our Approaches in ELT course. Being Forever Dutch is more than a tagline. Server: Central Consolidated School District : User ID: Password:Ĭentral College in Pella, Iowa - Founded in 1853. Learn English faster with over 10000 fun to watch interactive videos. Online English Lessons | English Videos - English Central Log in at VHL Central to access your Vista Higher Learning Supersite, online books or classes. Let thousands of reviews help you decide which online course to take next. Find, Plan, and Track your online learning with Class Central. 18M Learners, 70K Reviews: Class Central’s 2020 Year in Review Class Central just turned nine! Here’s a recap of some of this year’s main developments. 18M Learners, 70K Reviews: Class Central’s 2020 Year in Review Class Central just turned nine! Here’s a recap of some of this year’s main developments.Ĭlass Central login.